Thursday, April 29, 2010

read this blog by   ARTiculations  about a murder by the police...then take a look at the comment made by point44... it's good to have different opinion on this matter... the Boy has already dead and the police would possibly feel terribly guilty till death

the mind of a guilty person would think like these,
 "i am a killer" "No,i'm innocent" "i'm just doing my job" again "i'm a killer" etc repeating the same thought again and again until they go crazy or running away nakedly. may God blesses them all.

after reading it make sure that u use ur eyes,heart,ears and every senses that GOD has given to you in judging this kind of incident..put the blame fairly...there is cause and effect matter....

abstract inspiration

the best thing about reading other people's blog is, u can find almost everything u Need but not everything u Want. U can read other people's minds, thoughts and ideas that would actually  urged U to think outside of the box and then reflected it to ur life and start changing, revolve to a betterment.

let's read this and then think, and then reflect and then change.
"Students who aspire to be leaders in business, medicine, law, government or academia need “the discipline” of mind — the ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances, confront new facts, and find creative ways to solve problems. Cultivating such habits requires students to be more than passive recipients of information; they must learn to think for themselves."

i got this from Marina's Blog

Well i've found the creative way of solving my problems in learning. i started to ponteng in order to relax my mind before receiving new bulks of knowledge. hehe
but then i realized that i'm not confronting the problem but running away from it.
so how can i be a leader, i have no ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances. 

well again, the lines inspired me. thanks to the post. 


*taken from my previous blog*

as your sister
the one that will
cheer you up
you get back Home
i am your sister no matter

even you are a father
even you are someone's lover
even you are poor
even you are evil
even you are an angel
even you are rich

in my eyes
you are still the same
person that I LOVE

my laugh
my joke
the song that i nyanyi
the lyrics that you buat
the laughter that we kongsi
the cry that you sapu.

in my eyes
you are still my brother
my property.

the day you get married
was the most precious memory
i have ever had.

you seems to forgot EVERYTHING
you are no longer miNE
no more laughter to share
no more song, heard
no more main kawin-kawin
you are so damn JAHAT

i've told you to remember!!!

i'm still the same person
the same small little sister

i need you to share my tears
i need you
i need a brother
that willingly
his life
for ME.


i know
i'm no longer
your little bird

you have your own little birdy now

no more words to share

my heart broken
into pieces
the day
we stopped
the conversation

it is not like

it is like
sister and brother
separated by distance
123456789 miles away.


they don't understand
the connection between us
they do not have
a sister
like me.

please love me
please play with me
please talk to me
please walk with me
please call me
please pray for me
please don't raise your voice
please don't be angry
please don't hate me
be a brother to me.
my protecter.


that i am your sister
the only one
now and hereafter


****raya mood...a lot of tears and rindu-rinduan...i miss them so damn sangat...rindu masa kecik2 dulu when sblm mereka kawin..they were totally different back then...DGR lagu HUJAN...

bad advice

feeling notty

nak ponteng esok

i'm a pathetic LOSER

its better 4 me to study the language by myself without any help from any one rite now

i need to brain wash my mind and set it up to learn new things.

NEXT week things will be back to normal. i guarantee that. NO more ponteng.

i hate morning classes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

learning with the egoist

i want U to be here with Me

i won't let U go just like that

please stay

i need U

i want U

U r my strength
without U
i am nothing


Pernah tak rasa cam nak nak berhenti je blaja sebab tak ada kawan yang boleh bagi semangat kepada diri sendiri tambah2 pula subjek yang kena belajar tu susah nak mampus tapi bagi org lain kacang je.. terasa diri ini bodoh...tapi kalau ada kwn tu baru lah rasa cam smua tu hanya dugaan dan bukan penyeksaan..

Saya tahu, hidup ini haruslah pandai berdikari kan ke umur dh besar panjang, pandai la nak hidup tapi bagi saya hidup ini perlukan teman yang memahami untuk membantu memberi semangat untuk terus berusaha.

Skrg saya harus berdikari dalam mengharungi penyeksaan ini.

kenapa diri ini terseksa?

learning a new language gives me a headache. minum Mocha lg la fening tambah ngan belajar benda baru yang sepatah haram pun tak faham.

tgklah camne, sy boleh survive kot. insyaAllah.

edited version...

Monday, April 26, 2010

the first entry of MINE

i am currently live in my MENARA GADING and missing my hometown, papa and mummy, my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews n also TV.

this is my second blog but the other one is PRIVATE. why this one is not PRIVATE hah?


1)i want to make it BIG
2)i want new readers who will contribute to my understanding of the world and everything inside it, so please leave your comments or just read it. May God blesses u READERS
3)i just love BLOGGING

ok nuffnang i'll shoot u.. WATCH OUT!!

what will u find and feel notty about

a)reviews on movies n books that u will never find somewhere else
b)stories of my life
d)anything interesting n awesome
e)pictures and notty things for sure!!

the list will expand soon..