Saturday, October 2, 2010

dah agak dah

i've told u he is so perfect

he is a doctor (check)
he is handsome (check)
he is a kelantanese (check)
dia solat (check)
dia tak tinggi tak rendah (check)
dia tak putih tak gelap (check)
dia peramah (check)
dia boleh buat lawak (check)

tapi hati dah kosong

n dia cakap kita gemuk

tapi hati dah kosong

dia dah ada awek

dan jadikan diri ini tak sempurna

aih, nape la jumpa dia.

dia jadikan semua lelaki tak perfect.


sister, this is your fault
damn it!!
thats y la scar is the most perfect one, i guess
i hate family arrangement
babe u better get shock while reading this..haha..long time not story2 to u darling.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

saya berjaya buat dia serba-salah. gelak memanjang semalam.
tapi hati dah kosong.. : D

Saturday, September 25, 2010


crucial to TONTON
The Tourist
           kenapa crucial tuh?
                        sebab ada Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp sure superb..

Selena Gomez's video -A year without Rain.
          sebab selena gomez cantik n matang dalam video ni n lagu pun lirik bermaksud..i like her eyes, i like   her shoes.

Harry Potter la ape lagi

Perhatian kepada babe ku pasal bisnes i tu nanti2 lah ek..hihi..malu lah nak post sini..kita email ek.

Friday, September 24, 2010

saya kesal

saya bagi dia pada awak untuk awak jaga dan cinta
saya bagi dia pada awak kerna saya ingat awak boleh bahagiakan dia
saya halang dia bersama orang yang dia cinta untuk bersama dengan awak yang menyintainya
saya kesal

rupanya cinta sahaja tak cukup
cinta dan restu serta redha harus ada
baru cinta yang dibina berkekalan dan bahagia.

saya sayang dia dengan nyawa saya
saya lindung dia dengan doa saya
jadi jangan sakiti dia
sebab saya bukan penyabar

sujud awak pada tuhan moga diberi keinsafan dan petunjuk
sujud saya pada tuhan memohon hidup kamu berdua diberkati tuhan

kamu bukan pilihan hatinya
kamu bukan pilihan hati ku
tapi ku terima kamu seadanya
sebab kamu menyempurnakan apa yang tiada padanya
tidak cukupkah lagi?

aku cinta dia
jadi tolong rasa yang sama

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ya Allah,

Kau berikan aku kekuatan dalam menempuh dugaan mu ini
Kau berikanlah aku jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik untukku
Kau berikanlah sinar kebahagiaan dalam hidupku semula

Kau penuhkan lah dirinya dengan rasa sayang
Kau jauhkanlah dirinya dari prasangka
Kau molekkanlah tutur katanya
Kau jadikanlah dia pemaaf

Moga kami berdua mendapat keredhaan Mu
Moga kami berdua hidup aman tenteram


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i want to make a movie

tajuk: please bring me to PARIS

i want to eat cheese cake

i want to :sleep 24 hours and when i wake up i know i can do it again

dengki tgk org2 yang blaja ovc pegi bercuti sakan satu dunia. sekian

tolong benci saya sebab tak dapat jawab exam tadi
for the first time in my life amik exam without study hilang 10 markah.mekasih.

saya benci bila eja pronunciation salah..pronounciation hahaha....bedeh btel...:(

saya benci bila orang cakap lain tapi ada udang disebalik mee..tolong la luahkan apa dihati i pun kawan u jugak.ngan org lain A-z u cakap, ngan i u buat lain....ape status i ni...kuang3....

damn u abang, u never mssg me tanya kabar pun tak...
damn u sister, u tak reply msg i sbb mintak tiket flight..Ceh!!

i cant be notty if i am in a very bad mood

so please

make me happy girls...xoxo

Monday, August 16, 2010

anger management

i want you to shut up
mind your own buss
mind your language
coz it is irritating 

am i no good to you

hey bitch
this poem is for you
happy reading it
i'm sure you do

you cant call anyone a bitch . it is kurang sopan or kurang ajar 
sounds like a little anger in it 
b sabar
you ada yang kurang dia pun ada yang kurang
tuhan menguji kamu
but i am not strong enough
 i am scared that i cant handle my anger wisely
you know what type of person i am S
i tend to slap than use words
i tend to curse than confronting
i tend to hate when there is no respect any longer


Friday, August 13, 2010

aku dan kamu

Setiap kata yang diucap
bukan mainan

Setiap telinga yang mendengar
bukan pekak

setiap hati yang merasa
bukan patut terasa

setiap kali ku terguris
mungkin salahmu

setiap kali ku mendengar
bukan pahala

setiap kali ku sujud
bukan untukmu memuji

diamku ada batas
marahmu ada sebab
maafku bukan mainan
katamu ada hikmah
gurauanku ada batas
hatimu ada terguris
jiwaku turut rasa yang sama

kita berlainan jiwa
kita berbeza cara
kita berdua punya amarah
kita berdua dari dunia berbeza
pakaian pun tak sama
tidur pun berlainan gaya
makanan pun tak serasa

cukup sudah
kita bersengketa
tak semena berdosa
antara kamu dan aku
berbeza dunia
cara pandang tak sama
cara hidup lagi berbeza
cukup sudah
kita bersengketa
tak semena berbenci
antara aku dan kamu
berbeza dosa dan pahala
cara sujud tak sama
cara bertutur lagi berbeza
hentikan semua
kerna ku bukan kamu dan kamu bukan milikku

misi menyelamat
untuk yang perlu diselamatkan
dan itu bukan untuk ku
ku masih waras.
kamu juga begitu.
hentikan semua.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Misi Menyelamat 1


Ya Allah
keiimanan dalam dirinya
pulangkan rasa cinta padamu Tuhan dalam hatinya
pulangkan rasa takut padamu Tuhan dalam jiwanya

berikan dia kembali suara azan
berikan dia kembali ucapan syahadah
berikan dia kembali jalan yang kau redhai Tuhan

Limpahkan dia rezeki yang halal
Jauhkanlah dia dari rezeki yang haram

Pulangkan dia ke pangkuan keluarga
Pulangkan kembali saudaraku
Inginku lihat dia berbahagia

Dengarkan rintihan jiwanya
ingin pulang kembali bahagia
bimbinglah dia
tunjukkan dia
bahawa azan masih berkumandang
syahadah masih diucap
rezeki halal masih banyak
keluarga masih cinta padanya

berikan dia keberanian ya Allah
untuk kembali kepada yang benar

ingin ku lihat dia kembali ceria
kembali segak
dengan keiimanan didada

pulangkan saudaraku
ke jalan kebenaran
walau bukan sedarah seibu sebapa
walau bukan dari keluarga yang sama
ku pohon padamu Tuhan
pulangkan dia kepada kebenaran
kerna kucinta saudaraku

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

just call him Isa not HANS ISAAC.:p

Friday, July 30, 2010

my boy

THE 15th

ALHAMDULILLAH yesterday 29 JULY 2010 I am officially an AUNT for 15th times.


i want u to be handsome like ed westwick but mesti beriman ye.xoxo..a gentleman like chuck bass and a genius like Einstein

with love from your aunt that looks like maya karin..awwww :P

Sunday, July 18, 2010

a break-up

waiting for the ramadhan to appear

and syawal for a start

i love you my beloved  family
i love you man
i love you woman
i love you my friends
the more love you give
the more love you get

i love you scar
i love you mystery dotdotdot


my life is great rite now without facebook
i feel FREE 
but my relationship with my brothers and sisters
makin lama makin jauh
yeah a bit of regrets at that point
but what to do

i need a break
from all the problems 
and negative thoughts
i will miss my lovely facebookers

but i have to close my heart for facebook
this is the rite decision

i want to be happy this semester
thats all i want to feel 

i'll gonna miss you guys

sorry darling,i cannot reactivate my fb
not now,not in this semester
i need a break

Monday, July 12, 2010


Butterfly in stomach
takut nak start sem baru
takut result tak gempak cam abangnya yang dh nak fly ke ovc *damn u abang!!*
takut semua pandang dirinya comel tapi tak pandai
takut semua puji-pujian dari orang kampung mengatakan dia pandai memerangkap dirinya, TEnsion

takut apa yang diplan tak jadi
takut dirinya tak ada kawan yang nak berkawan dengannya
takut kehilangan orang yang disayangi, mummy i love u..gaduh besar dengannya cuti haritu.hihi
takut kisah jadi stalker terbongkar
takut result bahasa asingnya diketahui umum

takut kakaknya spread the news about me n my email yang emotional tahap jiwang kapak..adusshhh menyesal aku bagi pasword email kat die..tak amanah langsung..

takut abang-abangnya terasa hati dengan kedegilan dan kesombongan adik terkecil mereka ini.. sorry bang,dont blame me for everything.

takut dosa-dosanya tak diampuni tuhan
takut kehilangan keredhaan ibu dan bapa

aku takut semua ini. ADAKAH INI NORMAL?

meremang bulu roma


A new HAir Cut

88 % like nicole richie

12% like Noh Hujan


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jelas dia menipu

dia kata dia tahu
dia kata aku tak tahu
tak berhati

dia kata semua salahku
semua rahsia dia tahu
aku tak tahu

mungkin benar dia pernah selingkuh
tapi itu dulu
kata dia aku percaya

pusing tengok lihat
siapa disana membawa tangan yang memeluk tubuhmu erat suatu ketika dulu?
tak nampakkah lagi
tak rasa kah lagi, dia

Jelas bukan
kata dia

Jelas bukan

heret sama janji dulu
buang sedih ganti rindu
siapa yang seksa?
hanya dia seorang

dulu sekata
makan semeja
tidur berbantal satu
hati jadi satu
jelas dirinya.

sekarang buka mata
pekakkan telinga
jangan tanya aku Kenapa.

pusing toleh lihat ke depan
hati bukan satu
tidur lena tanpanya
makan bagai raja
biar tak sekata
buang semua janji dulu

Jelas bukan
kau akan

Thursday, June 24, 2010

seni itu jiwa baginya

menghabiskan masa menenangkan minda dan menjana idea seni di sini DeLuQies

-bila kegembiraan  menjadi speechless akibat gurauan penipuan tersebut toing3- I DAPAT LESEN P- sekian

Friday, June 18, 2010

sarlamat tinggal..

i cant sleep last night coz i was thinking too much about him. i felt miserable. i felt i am ugly,stupid,clumsy and other negative thoughts. i even cant concentrate on my revision because of those negative thoughts. i kept asking why?apa lebihnya dia?apa kurangnya diri ini?is it my fault?or you are the one who is blind. well, he gave me the hope and the he ruined it.. i prayed last night to get some strength to  face him today. then i woke up this morning, checked my sms and my lovely sister sent me a message-words of advice

Wanita solehah itu tidak suka mengenali dan dikenali, tak suka memandang dan dipandang, serta dibibir nya tak minati nama-nama lelaki dan dibibir lelaki tak meminati namanya

Saidatina Fatimah

ooohhh it was like---menusuk ke jiwa..terasa bangat diri ini tak sesolehah saidatina Fatimah..Astaghfirullah hal a'ziim . Allah always shows me the right path whenever i am in the wrong black hole. So, i like to announce that i am not gonna talk about men for a while. insyaAllah.. puasa kan diri hahah.. well, to make it simple if i'm no good to you, you are no good to me either or much worse... so what is the point talking nice and shit things about you are the one who is loosing me, LOSER!!!

tutup buku lama,buka buku baru
menyahtoksin neh susah gak..moga diberi keiimanan yang kuat..keazaman yang kukuh...

tx sister HUSNA A...muaxx

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


teringat masa kecik-kecik dulu..pantang nampak kolam terus masukkan dua-dua kaki dalam kolam sambil berdiri...
plummmm!! tetiba dunia gelap,telinga pekak
then my hero datang menyelamatkan
i can still feel the strong grip of my brother's hands. he pulled me out from the pool and dropped me on the hard floor..then my mom came running towards me with anger..haha..i cried not because i nak lemas tapi sebab kena marah... i was around 8 or 9 when it was happened.
don't blame me...kolam tu nampak stakat lutut je tapi bila masuk sampai dada airnya..haha..dari situ la terus semat dalam otak-jangan terpedaya dengan kolam air,DALAM.

then orang ajak mandi kolam pun dah tak ingin..

later, my papa taught me how to swim but i barely able to float unless with the help from him. he bought me pelampung to help me floating-erm actually i think he made it by himself from tayar getah..kuang3.
but the lesson seemed too extreme for a manja and egoist like me (reminder i was between 9 or 10 years old at that time,of coz la manja,hihi)

then i blaja cara tahan nafas dalam air.i severally practiced it in the bathroom and OCCAsionally made a bet with my bro-sapa menyelam paling lama dia menang...of coz la dia yang menang-p/s he was the champion in swimming at his school bawah 12 tahun suatu ketika dulu *eerrrgghh*

second times lemas kat pantai,sbb nak praktikkan apa yang diajar oleh papa.bajet terer tahan nafas dalam air masin sengsorang..pastu tetiba masa nak menyelam tetiba nafas tak banyak pastu terus panik..air masuk hidung, terkapai-kapai nasib baik air paras pinggang dapat naik balik kepala n bernafas..pastu terus naik...menjadi rahsia dari keluarga sampai sekarang.. SERIK..

time masuk kolam dalam sampai leher adalah di bukit merah lake town resort masa tu from 4 or form 5...i can still walking in the pool and turun naikkan kepala dalam air tak mcm skrg..tapi still tak pandai berenang..i cant even float.jelez melihat keberanian anak buahnya menyelam dan floating dan boleh dikira berenang..aih she was just 10 or 11 at that time.she even learned how to do all that stuff almost by herself.

then time matric adalah last skali masuk sister showing off her capability of floating with hand widely open..i plak just jalan2 dlm air.

pastu sekarang I was FLOATING AND siap bernafas dalam air lagi..lama giler boleh tahan nafas.. thanks to ain coz teach me how to do all of that.minit pertama around 20 minit cam gtu nak tahan nafas pun dah tak ingat camne,still tak de skill lagi pastu ain tunjuk camne nak buat baru segala ingatan masa kecik2 dulu tentang cara2 tahan nafas menjelma kembali diingatan..and skill ain tu sangat berguna dan mudah untuk diikuti. thanks to the sister jugak coz bagi tips tahan nafas dan bernafas dalam air. i learned fizik today..the bubbles that running out from the nose or the mouth are actually helping you to float your head up to the surface..*ganyang je neh ntah betul ke tidak teori aku neh..hehe*
the sister said that if u want to float-this is the easy way..letak tangan kat dinding jubin kolam push it harder and release or force your legs to float and straighten your posture and your legs. then lepas kan tangan dari jubin perlahan-lahan.*yang ni tak buat coz kenangan silam masih menghantui*

ain taught me a lot..she gave me courage to swim again...she always said that "trust me babe"or "u kena buat macam ni" or "tengok ain buat ni"..she always gave me positive energy and courage to float..and i can float..*terasa diri kurus jap sbb boleh float*
the tips untuk tahan nafas and bernafas juga berguna dan saya berjaya melakukannya paling lama dalam sejarah tahan nafas saya.. i think i nak bet ngan my bro lagi..mesti i yang menang :D

jelez tgk ain boleh 'terbang' dalam air...i nak berenang cam JAN DI dalam cerita BOF..
erm,kena bagi toblerone kat ain kalau hari ke 4 i tak pandai berenang lagi..aih, ni yang nak kena belajar berenang betul2 neh kalau tak melayang duit aku..haha..tapi dh nak cuti so next sem lah..

i think i need a that i can use my eyes while diving. and buy swimming outfit..mydin sounds murah..oh, i think i wanna replace my sleeping time at 4/6 into swimming activity..

FLOATING people..I was FLOATING...tak LEMAS!!and tak masuk air dalam telinga *kejayaan terbesar i think* xoxo

Monday, June 14, 2010

bukan omong kosong

what should i do to get into University of Leeds?

1)Focus in my study-make notes on every subjects and do revision after class,everyday

2)make up a group discussion-one subject every week/consult with the lecturer -pretend that i did not understand the lesson although i can catch up with it..:P

3)no more sleeping in the evening

4)sleep at 12 pm everyday and wake up for subuh prayer

5)do the best in every mid term and in the project works
if the mid term is 30 marks so i must get 25-28 marks
if the project work is 30 then i have to get 25-28 marks apprxmtly

6)i have to maintain my GPA and CGPA
next semester my target is 3.3-3.5
which means i must get A/A- and B more C

7)involve actively in any clubs or any occasions

8)organize my schedule wisely

9) make my study more fun and interesting by hanging out with friends and family
-/watching movies/karaoke/bowling in the weekend(2/3 times in every semester)

10)always think positive and make my self closer to god.

then if these working i have to target higher
3.5-3.8 for every semesters
and make a great commitment in my modelling career if i can balance my life nicely.

i have 2 years and a half to make this a reality...amiin

movie's maniac

list of movies that i have,need and want to watch this year and upcoming year

2-harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1
4-harry potter and deathly hallows part 2(is it separated??)
5-breaking dawn
7-iron man2 (never got the chance to watch it)
8-not in my mind right now.
9-killers (i want to watch it but since kutcher is in it-so biar la dulu)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

university of leeds

i always dream BIG..

i found out about this university from my sister who was unluckily has to reject the offer to study in here because of the family crisis then i fell in love with it since i found out that one of the lecturers from political science department was a student in UoL. so i google it and then it seems so seductive and hard to reject. it seems fun,relax and a genius place to study. usaha, doa dan tawakkal akan membuahkan kejayaan. ameen.

University of Leeds..insyaAllah
Master in English Language/Literature

this is where i'll be in

or here

MA in International Communications

or here

MA in Communications Studies

Applicants whose first language is not English must fulfil our language requirements of a minimum of 6.5 in IELTS with no grade below 6.0, OR 580 in TOEFL with 4.5 in the Test of Written English.

A sample of your own recently-written academic work on a topic relevant to the scheme for which you are applying, of approximately 2000 words.

well, it sounds easy

and this one is a bit harder

The International Communication MA at Leeds University is a selective programme. We review each application on its merits, but as a general guide, we accept only applicants who hold the equivalent of a UK BA Honours in the social sciences or English at the First or Upper Second level, and prefer applicants with relevant professional experience. Slightly lower academic qualifications or qualifications from other academic fields are occasionally accepted in view of relevant professional experience. Candidates whose first language is not English will be required to provide evidence of linguistic competence at the time of application.

this one is easier than above

The normal entry requirement is a very good first degree equivalent to a British BA Honours, Upper Second or higher. This can be in any subject. Relevant professional experience will be considered in assessing applications.
Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to provide evidence of their English language proficiency. Recognized tests are IELTS with a required overall score of 6.5 and no element below 6.0, or TOEFL with a required score of 600 (250 for the computer-based test) with at least 4 on the written test, or on the internet-based TOEFL a score of 94 with at least 20 in listening, 23 in reading, 23 in speaking and 24 in writing.

As long as it is University of Leeds than i'm in
no matter what it takes
i'm gonna let myself in
that is my promise.

Photo: Leeds University

Shopping in the the Victoria Quarter

shopping at Leeds not In UOL lah..

Friday, June 11, 2010


Harry Potter's casts all grown up.

I always wanted them to smile and laugh good luck to you guys in acting and rich-ing hehe..
this is GINNY...well of course i did not like her at first, real life,she is gojes..
this is ROn or Rupert Grint..He is still the same-the face but more macho la..
this is Hermione Granger or Emma Watson...pretty as always..genius+beauty=HER
The Hero who-must-be-loved HArry Potter or Daniel Radcliffe..As expected to see..Handsome

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


i thought you are the right person for her
i thought you are good enough for her
i thought you love her


you are the bad person on earth
you are not suit enough to be her husband
you are the demon


she loves you
she is doing and thinking nice thing about you
she thinks you are destined to love her.

pathetic, stupid and blind

this is all my fault
i should have stopped you from made her crazed about you
i should have stopped you from hurting her

this is all your new wife fault
she should not be in love with someone husband
she should have stopped from rampas you from her

you are the one who should be blame
you are a liar!!!

i thought you are different
i respect you as my own brother
but you ruined it
you happily ruined it

we are happy with our life right now
so go away!!!
stop giving her the fantasy
go to your lover
she is the right one to you
as pathetic as you are

oh i wish i never kenal you BANGANG

thanks for hurting us
thanks for the hypocrisy

i'm not finished with you yet
revenge is at your door

tiada kemaafan disini
tiada tangisan disini
kau pergi meniggalkan dirinya
lemas dalam penghinaan, kecurangan dan kesengsaraan

kamu bukan untuk dirinya
dia bukan untuk dirimu

penghinaan yang kau semburkan kepada kami
kamu curang
kamu pembelot
pada janji yang kau semai dengannya
pada ayat akad yang kau ucapkan.

kau pamerkan kepolosan pada wajahmu
kau sujud pada-Nya
kau seperti malaikat
itu dulu
sebelum kebenaran
topeng syaitanmu terbuka

aku hairan
bagaimana dia
boleh berdiam
begitu lama
tanda cinta setia dia padamu
tidak terlintaskah
sedikit rasa kasihan
sedikit rasa keikhlasan

apa yang kamu bayangkan hanya ketidaksempurnaan
apa yang kamu nampak hanya perhiasan dunia
apa yang kamu rasa hanya bisikan syaitan

aku doakan yang terbaik buat kamu
aku doakan yang terbaik buat insan yang kamu cinta
yang kesempurnaannya itu lebih dari dia

tak apa
hanya Tuhan yang tahu
apa balasan kepada mu

tak apa
aku tak terseksa
tapi sedikit kecewa
rasa dikhianati
rasa benci

tak apa
tak apa
yang pergi akan sentiasa diganti
moga yang lebih baik untuk dirinya

bukan tujuanku untuk mengejimu
rasa sakit dalam hati
perlu diluahkan
supaya yang lain
tidak buta mengikuti jejakmu

wahai lelaki
setialah pada yang satu
kerna yang kedua belum tentu membahagiakan

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


skrg tgh baca blog..bila la nak buat ass'es

Monday, June 7, 2010

who inspires me

this is the post about remarkable people who inspires me everyday. they give me the reason to stay alive, to never give up.. they are the meaning of woman regardless of their weaknesses.

they are Queen Rania of Jordan and Angelina Jolie

this is the picture of Jolie-pitts

this is QUeen Rania.. i wish i am her..beautiful muslim woman,lovely person and one of my idol. she has the BIG LOVING HEART.

oh i wish i could be just like her..doing things that she is doing..acting,helping,donating,rich-ing.
she is gorgeous kan... Angelina Jolie the most talented woman and has big heart and handsome bf i must include..hehe

Friday, June 4, 2010

happy time

my sayang treats me a ticket to watch PERSIA!!
a bucket of pop corn and a bottle of mineral water are also included

first we decide nak tgk cerita mana.
2.robin hood
4.iron man2

i keep shrek for next week just for my sis
we reject robin hood coz i think it is "i know the ending"
oohh,the hardest one,iron man2...i really2 want to watch it but since my sayang has already watch it so i reject gak lah...another time maybe..
we decided to pick persia since it seems so action,handsome and a warrior is hard to reject ~ngehngehngeh~

Persia or prince of Persia

tohmahan,cadangan dan kritikan

the starting is quite cliche as many other "emperor "films
you can see the king,the hamba,the lower classes, the armies,the horses,the poor people.
it describes the background of the introduces to me the hero and the other two mysterious prince!!

pastu they grew up-become more handsome
i can feel the spirit of brotherhood in this story..therefore i feel like oh ,this is not the wrong choice---this movie is gonna be interesting and uuuummmpphh :P

yeah,its true.....but tak masuk akal ada la gak

the battle, the action, the fighting,the swords are not so disappointed

what i did not like in this story is the evil one is easy to detect even at the starting point of this story...the evil face,the hypocrite face made it detectable

erm, it would be more interesting or more uummpphh if the language that they use is the ancient-like language...not a modern english like using the word "chat", "tax" coz it ruined the setting of time of this story..but who cares.the Persian did not use english la is alot easier to understand that became a little not real i must say.hehe..

then both of us pegi makan kat McD,,,,i ordered double cheese burger as usual...
a lot of photos kat situ

then,turun bawah jalan2 kat taman....
amik gambar lagi since i really need it for my "resume"

ooohh, then kita org jadi spy!!!
we saw a guy holding a camera,wearing tshirt and jeans, not so tall but the body was like in good hotty we 'decided' to make the evening a lot more notty..heheh..
we follow that guy with an intention to make him aware of our presence and with high expectation that he would notice us and snap our pictures with his cool camera...

gezz wat!!he did snap

but not our pic la..hahah

so we follow him from behind...kat belakang.body nampak handsome kat depan pun nampak handsome tapi ada bekas jerawat...kening tebal...good looking i must say..

then he suddenly stop, so i cam ohmyohmy he buatbuat control jalan depan dia...pastu dah jauh sikit cam release HAAH!!!pastu gelak kuat2...;D

pastu aktiviti ushar meng ushar neh terus dijalankan sampai kul 5 stgh
then we all pun pegi la jalan tempat laen..dh tak jumpa MANGSA dah..haha..uhh lupa ada lagi sorang rambut handsome gilerrrrrrr muka pun..pakai black T..aih..pastu teringat mine is just perfect.:)))

then after the whole kind of pusing, then balik!!

we had a wonderful time together hari ini..thanks syg coz belanja wayang and make me happy.. :)xoxo

Thursday, June 3, 2010

our dreams

we always dream BIG!

nak pegi sambung blajar oversea la
nak jadi kaya la
nak semua yang gempak2

tak mustahil kan.
itulah kami
selalu membayangkan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan untuk menghilangkan rasa ketidakpuasan hati buat masa sekarang kerana hidup kami diibarat cam nightmare.kami nak cepat-cepat bangun dan bila buka mata semuanya indah.
kerana kami yakin semua itu akan kami gapai kalau blajar bersungguh-sungguh *i tak termasuk ye buat masa skrg,nxt sem i janji ngeh3 :P*

this was what we were story2 about at fb. my bes-tie sent me a msg---------
smlm berangan sikit. u n i, all around the world, together. u with ur fashion seeking and me wanting to just see the world. amacam? indah x agn2 tersebut? ahaks.

she is always know how to make me berkhayal lagi tak berhenti...
GOOD JOB babe!! hahah

this was what i replied to her
ooooooohhhhh so sweeeeeeeeeeet
me n u shopping at fifth avenue,paris oh my!!japan also included
then we fly together to sydney,newzealand
playing with the kangaroo pastu fly ke india bli sari banyak2 visit oxford and flirting rich guys..ahahaha



flirting rich guys is a must yeah xoxo.

wooosssshhh...nah! BIG kan dream kita org..nak ikut??JOM!!!

the top on our list...the most special one...insyaAllah

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

could not agree more

when i feel like people hates me

i feel like i wanna give up my life

and then i realized that every person who is dying actually begging to have another chance to suffer they are.more suffering than i do.

so, i give up giving up.

live life to the fullest
owh i wish my darling, my sayangs could be here with me right now. become my groupmates. dammit!i hate school!i hate people!i hate them!

school sux u know
but the outcome is totally differ
like suffer first then heaven later
insane in the middle..


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a sister of mine

Separuh Jiwaku Pergi.

dear senior@roommate@pengacau terhebat@pemberi nasihat dan kata2 smgt yang bagus@sister notty

thanks for everything... feeling like SEparuh Jiwaku Pergi

u made me laughed every times we met

now you are not here besides me (for a long time)

maybe we could meet again

the laughed that we shared
the food that we ate together
the guy that we kacau together
the secret that we talked about
the music that we listened
the ubatgigi yang kita kongsi
the "helluuuu" that u sebut
the time we spend together for serious things changed to funny things
everything is precious to me

i can be myself when i am with you

she is a funny sister
she is garang kadang2 @ tegas kot
her voice is so sweet

i hope she will get what she deserves
i hope she will get what she idam2kan
i hope she will marry the person that loves her and become a good mother
i love you
hope our friendship will remain strong and stronger

sorry for everything
and good bye till we meet again

feel free to visit me here.*mcm la die tau aku ada blog haha*

Lirik Lagu Kau Aku (OST MerahPutih) - Aizat

Kau Dan Aku

Kau dan aku ,adalah satu
Tak kira apa
Segala rintihan aku ,engkau selalu ada
Biar kata memisah kita
Biarkan saja
Kerana terbiasa
Chorus :
Mengejar mimpi ,yang pasti akan aku
Sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
Ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
Tiada henti
Walau dimana kita berdiri
Di dalam dunia ini
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti

Semua tak terang di mataku ,walau warnanya menyala
Ingin merasa namun aku takkan cuba
Biar kata memisah kita
Biarkan saja
Kerana terbiasa
Mengejar mimpi ,yang pasti akan aku
Sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
Ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
Tiada henti
Walau dimana kita berdiri
Di dalam dunia ini
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti



sometimes i laugh sometimes cam hati di tusuk besi ngilu wo!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

war in me

they are facing death everyday. they have to survive in the massive killing of men, bombing, have to smell the gun powder everyday, never sleep well, smile in hunger, today they feel happy but in a few seconds next,they had to say goodbye to their loved one. they hear bad news everyday and some has no chance to hear it again. they being brutally abused by their own species.

its HELL for some of them.. its a challenge that they have to endure for some of them.. its a test from God as for some of them would think. its a victory for those who has no heart.

whose fault is it?

i'm not talking about the country that is involve in war or being forced to war or the victim of war;not only about them but also about war that is happening within ourselves

everyday, we fights against our own nature
some think that they are being born to be a man although naturally they are women
some might think that they have to convert to another religion just to suit their interest
some feels that tranquility is by having a nice glass of wine or a heavy loaded music for nonstop.

these people are facing the death of faith, created the war against their nature
;faith is their enemies,,religion is a rule-no freedom

as a conclusion
everyone is in war
who should be blame
who should to be considered as enemy
who should to be considered as victim
who should help them

i keep asking myself
what i have done to stop or prevent the war?
am i a good warrior or just a coward?
as a muslim i've been thought that religion is the pillar of tranquility,peace and harmony
faith is the soul of humankind

if you understand these lines above then you are able to know what actually i am trying to say

we are a warrior,born to keep the world in peace and prevent it from chaos
we have our own vision and mission.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Don't look at the people around you who doings things and think that they are made of something more than you. They learned some stuff and they putting it to use and they probably willing to work really hard for it but they are not made of anything different than you are.

Liz Murray
Homeless to Harvard

Friday, May 28, 2010

cinta pada ku.

sekarang,tak tahu apa yang nak dirasa dan apa patut dirasa. hidup ini penuh tanda-tanya. hanya Dia yang mengetahui permulaan,pengakhiran dan antara keduanya. hanya perlu redha akan ketentuannya. mungkin amat perit untuk diterima sesuatu yang terjadi kepada diri lebih-lebih lagi bukan itu yang diharapkan.

setiap yang pergi akan diganti dengan yang lebih baik. tapi perlu diingat jua yang baik itu hanya padan dengan yang terbaik.

gelora jiwa melemaskan minda, menyukarkan diri untuk berfikir dengan tenang. sujudku pada ilahi dapat meredakannya.

mungkin sudah suratan dia bukan untukku mungkin jua sudah ketentuan dia masih belum sesuai untukku.

apa yang perlu dan patut dibimbangkan ialah tentang masa depan. apa yang terbentang didepan mata perlu diselesaikan. setiap impian masa kecil, setiap pengorbanan ibu dan bapa harus dibalas dan dikotakan. itu janjiku,pada diri.

cinta itu buta,cinta itu seksa,cinta itu indah,cinta itu mempesona dan cinta itu sengsara.

tidak boleh tidak bercinta kerna cinta itu ciptaan ilahi suatu rahmat pada hambanya kerna ia sebenarnya suci tetapi hanya manusia yang mengotorinya.

terpulang pada diri untuk mentafsirnya.padaku cinta harus dibiarkan pergi untuk dia kembali bersemi.

lirik HANYA DIA dari CTKD

Ku cintainya kerana cara dia
Sungguh berbeda dari yang telah ku jumpa
Renungan dia tulus merasuk jiwa
Hingga terasa terus ke hati

Ku cintainya kerana kesungguhannya
Bukannya kata-kata semata-mata
Perwatakannya mengatakan segalanya
Buatku percayakan janjinya

Ku akui aku menggilainya
Ku akui aku menyintainya
Kisahku kisah dia
Cerita yang sama
Setiap detik hanya dia

Ku akui aku mengaguminya
Ku akui aku menyayanginya
Sungguhnya ku akui ku perlukan dia
Segalanya kuserah kepada dia

Cintai dia bersama mimpi-mimpinya
Cintai dia juga segala caranya
Cintai dia bersama keanehannya
Cintai dia hanya dia

look wat i found... click it -->FYMKA

hahah!!what a coincident she has the Olsens in her blog...
i want to go shopping at this shop

Thursday, May 27, 2010

nottybloggystepped mapped me to her blog..lots of cool outfits overhere
eating maggie and nottybloggystepped at the same time..
i think i need a twitter...daaaaaaaaa
blogwalking but i call it nottybloggystepped


A Picture A DAY KEEPS Your Dream in REALITY

today's pictures are about family and love. I choose Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman as the first picture to be shown because they both lo0k perfect, the light is just nice and make the pic more amazing.
the second one is the trio. different scenario and different stories behind this second pic. I choose this pic because, look at Suri she is just adorable and the way Tom stand just gives the impression how lovely he is as a father.. owh, about KAtie I love her shoes and her posture in this picture..

A picture gives you different impressions and different stories to be interpreted. Just imagine that you are in those pictures, how lovely or bad it could be. heheh

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hantu tu kamu!!

i hate ghost

i hate everything about ghost

i wonder why it is existed

kalau tak ada mereka maka aman dunia.

hey Bush! *tetiba* sebab ko la ramai jadi hantu

hey Pembunuh! sebab ko lah banyak setan kat muka bumi ni

hey Perogol! sebab ko lah banyak yang bunuh diri lepas tu jadi hantu

hey Pendusta! sebab ko lah banyak cerita hantu yang tak betul

hey Penakut! sebab ko lah Hantu jadi suka gembira hidup

kalau tak nak ada HAntu jangan jadi semua yang diatas.itu moralnya puisi ini.
*aih taip ni pun jad seriau tetiba...the end...bye takuuutttt*

Friday, May 21, 2010

yesterday as a dreamer

yesterday was the most precious day i had in my life...
thanks to all the efforts to make me feel appreciated...
Thanks To Allah because He has made me felt happy and masih happy.

i am waiting for that someone to say happy phrases..i put high expectation on that person to wish me that.

i wanna be with you
i wanna see your face smiling at me
wishing me happiness and longevity

but you are with somebody else
i wanna see your face hating her
wishing me love and sincerity

i wanna be closer to you
i wanna be your love
wishing the wishes to come true

i dreamed about u last night
i dreamed someone else loved me
and i loved him back
and you disappeared
i felt a deep hole in my chest
you did nothing to cure it
so i guessed
it was just a dream

i wanna stop dreaming
but you are keep closer to me
you digging a deeper hole inside my chest
so stop being my dream
its hurt enough
for me to love you
who is not in love with me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



Ya Allah, semoga yang ku cari akan ku temui hari ini

inilah doa yang dipanjatkan kehadrat ILahi.. dan telah ditunjukkanNya dan diperkenankanNYA doa tersebut maka segala urusan telah selesai dengan baiknya.Alhamdulillah.

happy teaching me

today is 18th may 2011..

and i wanna wish to all my lecturers and my previous teachers a wonderful year of teaching. thanks for the 'ilmu' and your 'kesabaran'.

and i wanna thank to my classmates and my previous classmates because you guys have made the classes a cheerful place to study.

sorry for the rude words that i used behind your back.:P

sorry for my rudeness and stubbornness.

sorry for the plagiarisms.:P:P

i'm not gonna say that i miss my school so much or i love my teachers


i do miss my school life and the people inside it.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


received a reply from the modelling agency

Dear Future Talents
Potrait Shoot bakal berlangsung pada 29/5/2010 ini.

Photoshoot Info
Tarikh : 29/5/2010
Hari : Sabtu
Jam : 9.00 – 7.00 ptg
Tempat : Taman Tasek KLCC (berhadapan Masjid di KLCC)

aih dekat je tuh...tapi ongkosnya mahal rm250..NO MONEY NO OPPORTUNITY. :(

Air Asia

air asia's free seat.

starting 18th may 2010 for 3jan-8may 2011 tickets..

don't forget..:)

haha menara gading cuti seminggu 30jan sampai 6 feb 2011 so ape lg..cop cepat2.. :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Again I asked.

I asked God to replace his place
When I walked down the street
Praying for that to happen
I turned my head to the left
Then I saw a guy
Walking on the same path as I was
I still remember
he was wearing that
White shirt and black pants
My heart smiled
Then I turned back.
In just three seconds I can remember his face
And it seems it cant fade away, the face.
I kept wondering, who was that guy??at that time onwards
Then, seemed god again has answered my prayer
What a unique name he has
Just like mine, unique
We both then kept running from each other.
Now, I feel. The prayer is a mistake.
The answer was a challenge
Am I gonna win this challenge?
I don’t want to win
beCause I don’t want to feel hurt
Give me a clue, guidance
I want my memories about him
Fade forever
It must start fading rite now
It must.
Please God, replace his place in my heart with another one.

dengarkan lagu ini TERNYATA

Friday, May 14, 2010

love story

The more i lie the more i love you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

kesan ponteng

aih...klas tukar venue...sebbaik tergerak hati nak buka portal...damn!!padan muka S!!sape sruh ponteng..

pengajaran hari ini:: jgn ponteng kelas walau pun sekali je sebab nanti bnyk yang ketinggalan...sgt banyak.

wondering y she is not so popular..if she is popular this thing would not gonna happn..the news will come to her directly..
dapat 1st love letter aka warning letter drpd ustazah.. yeah,lucky me.

oh, bm puny love letter is coming soon.. bared me please... :) dh letih dah pegi je kelas tak ada org pastu nk marah2. i know it is my fault.yeah put the blame on me.

tak tahu kenapa. sem ni cam kosong. nothing interesting. everything seems harder and boring. hatred and egoism are the viruses that are killing me within my heart.. *cewah*

i need to be more closer to God. thats the only way.

maybe this is karma.sorry mom..sorry pa..i'm such a LOSER.

Monday, May 10, 2010

i'm a loser!!

last week pegi rumah my sister kat subang. ponteng 2 kelas sebab takde mood nak study. janji ngan my sis kul 4.40 sampai lrt kelana jaya but as usual sampai kul 6..haha.. masuk2 je kereta , i buat muka comel, muka dia plak cam singa,GARANG... pastu time u-turn nak masuk lrg tu jem teruk my sis ckp *sambil menundingkan jarinya ke depan dan berkata*
my sis: tu tengok tuh
i: *tgh makan karipap dan terus mendongakkan kepala ke depan* ohh LOSER *billboard iklan LOSER*..hahaha *i gelak sbb bukan itu yang dimaksudkannya*...
muka die trus tak jadi marah.

faham tak???die nak bg tau kat i yang jem kat depan teruk gler sbb i sampai kul 6.kalau kul 4.30 tu tak la jem sgt sbb tu die sruh tgk kat dpn tapi dah jarinya cam tunjuk billboard tu plak..aih ingatkan nak ajak pi tgk movie..:D

Then menghabiskan weekend ngan tgk movi n tv... hari sabtu tgk AF..

my sis minat gler kat syahir af8 tuh...kenapa saya ckp die minat GLERR sbb bila je syahir diundi keluar die cam marah gler..dia ckp dah tak nak tgk AF sampai bebila..pastu muka dia seperti masa i sampai lewat kat kj..minat syahir rupanya...tak penah2 tgk AF tetiba tgk tak pernah miss sbb syahir haha...minat tapi tak undi buat pe sis..:P

pastu balik menara gading ni hari isnin malam sbb tak ley jalan..kaki bleeding nonstop for 3 days in a,ponteng lagi..NO MC coz i hate doctor/clinic/medicine. my sis and my bil kept urging me to see the doctor but i refused coz treeeettt rahsia and sebab2 diatas... so i missed ustazah punya klas. FYI dah dua kali ponteng ...hihi..

pastu hari selasa ada kelas bm kul 2 sampai 3.50..smgt ni nak pi kelas sbb tak pernah masuk lg kelas ML.classmates pun tak kenal lagi sape. lecturer dh knl.. pastu pi la kelas..sampai2 je tepat kul 2. tapi satu org pun takde kat dpn kelas, dpn pintu, dpn tingkap,dlm kelas pun tak de..tunggu punya tunggu adala dlm 10 minit, tak muncul2 juga org kt dpn pintu kelas ape lagi i blah la..pastu tak sedap hati, jumpa my friend tanya, "kelas ni ada org tak" my fren kata rasanya ada.pastu hati berbelah bagi nak blah ke tak nak..takkan classmate i smua suka dtg, i pun blah balik bilik but before balik bilik pi cari bilik lecturer ML tu kot2 dia tak buat kelas ke tapi tak jumpa,takde bilik kot.

hari khamis, pi kelas bm lagi, ni tetiba berdebar sbb takut lecturer marah tak masuk kelas dah bnyk hari..haha...pastu kejadian sama berulang..CEH!!!20 minit tunggu takde sorang pun masuk kelas..DAMN U!!! so i decided nak pi tanya pihak berwajib..buat muka tebal sbb malu kantoi ponteng..

pihak berwajib: ye?
I: erm, sekarang saya ada kelas bm, dari kul 2 sampai 350 tapi takde org pun dalam kelas.???*bm aku hancur sorry Malaysia*.
pastu sebbaik dia faham.
pihak berwajib: ooo, section berapa?
I:section 26, kelas kat lr4.11 cikgu H..*nah amik ko laporan penuh*
pihak berwajib:oh,kejap ek.*pastu dia pi bgtau org dalam..

org dalam pun keluar menuju ke telefon..cakap kuat gler..nak sruh aku dgr la tu..haha..
org dalam: asslmlkm, ada student datang tanya cikgu H ada kelas tak hari ni...blalabla...oh,dah buat kelas ganti...blablabla..tak saja je tanya.ok asslkm.

dalam hatiku..kelas ganti????OMG!!haha.. rupanya takde klas minggu nih...cikgu dah ganti awal2 dah..haha..pastu org dalam dtg bgtau, i terkantoi tak g kelas ML...haha..amik ko S!!

then jumaat pi MID V ngan my syg, kak senior and lana @ adik kakak senior tgk LOSER..BESsssHHHHHHHH and makan double cheese burger McD.
