Monday, May 31, 2010

war in me

they are facing death everyday. they have to survive in the massive killing of men, bombing, have to smell the gun powder everyday, never sleep well, smile in hunger, today they feel happy but in a few seconds next,they had to say goodbye to their loved one. they hear bad news everyday and some has no chance to hear it again. they being brutally abused by their own species.

its HELL for some of them.. its a challenge that they have to endure for some of them.. its a test from God as for some of them would think. its a victory for those who has no heart.

whose fault is it?

i'm not talking about the country that is involve in war or being forced to war or the victim of war;not only about them but also about war that is happening within ourselves

everyday, we fights against our own nature
some think that they are being born to be a man although naturally they are women
some might think that they have to convert to another religion just to suit their interest
some feels that tranquility is by having a nice glass of wine or a heavy loaded music for nonstop.

these people are facing the death of faith, created the war against their nature
;faith is their enemies,,religion is a rule-no freedom

as a conclusion
everyone is in war
who should be blame
who should to be considered as enemy
who should to be considered as victim
who should help them

i keep asking myself
what i have done to stop or prevent the war?
am i a good warrior or just a coward?
as a muslim i've been thought that religion is the pillar of tranquility,peace and harmony
faith is the soul of humankind

if you understand these lines above then you are able to know what actually i am trying to say

we are a warrior,born to keep the world in peace and prevent it from chaos
we have our own vision and mission.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Don't look at the people around you who doings things and think that they are made of something more than you. They learned some stuff and they putting it to use and they probably willing to work really hard for it but they are not made of anything different than you are.

Liz Murray
Homeless to Harvard

Friday, May 28, 2010

cinta pada ku.

sekarang,tak tahu apa yang nak dirasa dan apa patut dirasa. hidup ini penuh tanda-tanya. hanya Dia yang mengetahui permulaan,pengakhiran dan antara keduanya. hanya perlu redha akan ketentuannya. mungkin amat perit untuk diterima sesuatu yang terjadi kepada diri lebih-lebih lagi bukan itu yang diharapkan.

setiap yang pergi akan diganti dengan yang lebih baik. tapi perlu diingat jua yang baik itu hanya padan dengan yang terbaik.

gelora jiwa melemaskan minda, menyukarkan diri untuk berfikir dengan tenang. sujudku pada ilahi dapat meredakannya.

mungkin sudah suratan dia bukan untukku mungkin jua sudah ketentuan dia masih belum sesuai untukku.

apa yang perlu dan patut dibimbangkan ialah tentang masa depan. apa yang terbentang didepan mata perlu diselesaikan. setiap impian masa kecil, setiap pengorbanan ibu dan bapa harus dibalas dan dikotakan. itu janjiku,pada diri.

cinta itu buta,cinta itu seksa,cinta itu indah,cinta itu mempesona dan cinta itu sengsara.

tidak boleh tidak bercinta kerna cinta itu ciptaan ilahi suatu rahmat pada hambanya kerna ia sebenarnya suci tetapi hanya manusia yang mengotorinya.

terpulang pada diri untuk mentafsirnya.padaku cinta harus dibiarkan pergi untuk dia kembali bersemi.

lirik HANYA DIA dari CTKD

Ku cintainya kerana cara dia
Sungguh berbeda dari yang telah ku jumpa
Renungan dia tulus merasuk jiwa
Hingga terasa terus ke hati

Ku cintainya kerana kesungguhannya
Bukannya kata-kata semata-mata
Perwatakannya mengatakan segalanya
Buatku percayakan janjinya

Ku akui aku menggilainya
Ku akui aku menyintainya
Kisahku kisah dia
Cerita yang sama
Setiap detik hanya dia

Ku akui aku mengaguminya
Ku akui aku menyayanginya
Sungguhnya ku akui ku perlukan dia
Segalanya kuserah kepada dia

Cintai dia bersama mimpi-mimpinya
Cintai dia juga segala caranya
Cintai dia bersama keanehannya
Cintai dia hanya dia

look wat i found... click it -->FYMKA

hahah!!what a coincident she has the Olsens in her blog...
i want to go shopping at this shop

Thursday, May 27, 2010

nottybloggystepped mapped me to her blog..lots of cool outfits overhere
eating maggie and nottybloggystepped at the same time..
i think i need a twitter...daaaaaaaaa
blogwalking but i call it nottybloggystepped


A Picture A DAY KEEPS Your Dream in REALITY

today's pictures are about family and love. I choose Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman as the first picture to be shown because they both lo0k perfect, the light is just nice and make the pic more amazing.
the second one is the trio. different scenario and different stories behind this second pic. I choose this pic because, look at Suri she is just adorable and the way Tom stand just gives the impression how lovely he is as a father.. owh, about KAtie I love her shoes and her posture in this picture..

A picture gives you different impressions and different stories to be interpreted. Just imagine that you are in those pictures, how lovely or bad it could be. heheh

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hantu tu kamu!!

i hate ghost

i hate everything about ghost

i wonder why it is existed

kalau tak ada mereka maka aman dunia.

hey Bush! *tetiba* sebab ko la ramai jadi hantu

hey Pembunuh! sebab ko lah banyak setan kat muka bumi ni

hey Perogol! sebab ko lah banyak yang bunuh diri lepas tu jadi hantu

hey Pendusta! sebab ko lah banyak cerita hantu yang tak betul

hey Penakut! sebab ko lah Hantu jadi suka gembira hidup

kalau tak nak ada HAntu jangan jadi semua yang diatas.itu moralnya puisi ini.
*aih taip ni pun jad seriau tetiba...the end...bye takuuutttt*

Friday, May 21, 2010

yesterday as a dreamer

yesterday was the most precious day i had in my life...
thanks to all the efforts to make me feel appreciated...
Thanks To Allah because He has made me felt happy and masih happy.

i am waiting for that someone to say happy phrases..i put high expectation on that person to wish me that.

i wanna be with you
i wanna see your face smiling at me
wishing me happiness and longevity

but you are with somebody else
i wanna see your face hating her
wishing me love and sincerity

i wanna be closer to you
i wanna be your love
wishing the wishes to come true

i dreamed about u last night
i dreamed someone else loved me
and i loved him back
and you disappeared
i felt a deep hole in my chest
you did nothing to cure it
so i guessed
it was just a dream

i wanna stop dreaming
but you are keep closer to me
you digging a deeper hole inside my chest
so stop being my dream
its hurt enough
for me to love you
who is not in love with me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



Ya Allah, semoga yang ku cari akan ku temui hari ini

inilah doa yang dipanjatkan kehadrat ILahi.. dan telah ditunjukkanNya dan diperkenankanNYA doa tersebut maka segala urusan telah selesai dengan baiknya.Alhamdulillah.

happy teaching me

today is 18th may 2011..

and i wanna wish to all my lecturers and my previous teachers a wonderful year of teaching. thanks for the 'ilmu' and your 'kesabaran'.

and i wanna thank to my classmates and my previous classmates because you guys have made the classes a cheerful place to study.

sorry for the rude words that i used behind your back.:P

sorry for my rudeness and stubbornness.

sorry for the plagiarisms.:P:P

i'm not gonna say that i miss my school so much or i love my teachers


i do miss my school life and the people inside it.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


received a reply from the modelling agency

Dear Future Talents
Potrait Shoot bakal berlangsung pada 29/5/2010 ini.

Photoshoot Info
Tarikh : 29/5/2010
Hari : Sabtu
Jam : 9.00 – 7.00 ptg
Tempat : Taman Tasek KLCC (berhadapan Masjid di KLCC)

aih dekat je tuh...tapi ongkosnya mahal rm250..NO MONEY NO OPPORTUNITY. :(

Air Asia

air asia's free seat.

starting 18th may 2010 for 3jan-8may 2011 tickets..

don't forget..:)

haha menara gading cuti seminggu 30jan sampai 6 feb 2011 so ape lg..cop cepat2.. :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Again I asked.

I asked God to replace his place
When I walked down the street
Praying for that to happen
I turned my head to the left
Then I saw a guy
Walking on the same path as I was
I still remember
he was wearing that
White shirt and black pants
My heart smiled
Then I turned back.
In just three seconds I can remember his face
And it seems it cant fade away, the face.
I kept wondering, who was that guy??at that time onwards
Then, seemed god again has answered my prayer
What a unique name he has
Just like mine, unique
We both then kept running from each other.
Now, I feel. The prayer is a mistake.
The answer was a challenge
Am I gonna win this challenge?
I don’t want to win
beCause I don’t want to feel hurt
Give me a clue, guidance
I want my memories about him
Fade forever
It must start fading rite now
It must.
Please God, replace his place in my heart with another one.

dengarkan lagu ini TERNYATA

Friday, May 14, 2010

love story

The more i lie the more i love you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

kesan ponteng

aih...klas tukar venue...sebbaik tergerak hati nak buka portal...damn!!padan muka S!!sape sruh ponteng..

pengajaran hari ini:: jgn ponteng kelas walau pun sekali je sebab nanti bnyk yang ketinggalan...sgt banyak.

wondering y she is not so popular..if she is popular this thing would not gonna happn..the news will come to her directly..
dapat 1st love letter aka warning letter drpd ustazah.. yeah,lucky me.

oh, bm puny love letter is coming soon.. bared me please... :) dh letih dah pegi je kelas tak ada org pastu nk marah2. i know it is my fault.yeah put the blame on me.

tak tahu kenapa. sem ni cam kosong. nothing interesting. everything seems harder and boring. hatred and egoism are the viruses that are killing me within my heart.. *cewah*

i need to be more closer to God. thats the only way.

maybe this is karma.sorry mom..sorry pa..i'm such a LOSER.

Monday, May 10, 2010

i'm a loser!!

last week pegi rumah my sister kat subang. ponteng 2 kelas sebab takde mood nak study. janji ngan my sis kul 4.40 sampai lrt kelana jaya but as usual sampai kul 6..haha.. masuk2 je kereta , i buat muka comel, muka dia plak cam singa,GARANG... pastu time u-turn nak masuk lrg tu jem teruk my sis ckp *sambil menundingkan jarinya ke depan dan berkata*
my sis: tu tengok tuh
i: *tgh makan karipap dan terus mendongakkan kepala ke depan* ohh LOSER *billboard iklan LOSER*..hahaha *i gelak sbb bukan itu yang dimaksudkannya*...
muka die trus tak jadi marah.

faham tak???die nak bg tau kat i yang jem kat depan teruk gler sbb i sampai kul 6.kalau kul 4.30 tu tak la jem sgt sbb tu die sruh tgk kat dpn tapi dah jarinya cam tunjuk billboard tu plak..aih ingatkan nak ajak pi tgk movie..:D

Then menghabiskan weekend ngan tgk movi n tv... hari sabtu tgk AF..

my sis minat gler kat syahir af8 tuh...kenapa saya ckp die minat GLERR sbb bila je syahir diundi keluar die cam marah gler..dia ckp dah tak nak tgk AF sampai bebila..pastu muka dia seperti masa i sampai lewat kat kj..minat syahir rupanya...tak penah2 tgk AF tetiba tgk tak pernah miss sbb syahir haha...minat tapi tak undi buat pe sis..:P

pastu balik menara gading ni hari isnin malam sbb tak ley jalan..kaki bleeding nonstop for 3 days in a,ponteng lagi..NO MC coz i hate doctor/clinic/medicine. my sis and my bil kept urging me to see the doctor but i refused coz treeeettt rahsia and sebab2 diatas... so i missed ustazah punya klas. FYI dah dua kali ponteng ...hihi..

pastu hari selasa ada kelas bm kul 2 sampai 3.50..smgt ni nak pi kelas sbb tak pernah masuk lg kelas ML.classmates pun tak kenal lagi sape. lecturer dh knl.. pastu pi la kelas..sampai2 je tepat kul 2. tapi satu org pun takde kat dpn kelas, dpn pintu, dpn tingkap,dlm kelas pun tak de..tunggu punya tunggu adala dlm 10 minit, tak muncul2 juga org kt dpn pintu kelas ape lagi i blah la..pastu tak sedap hati, jumpa my friend tanya, "kelas ni ada org tak" my fren kata rasanya ada.pastu hati berbelah bagi nak blah ke tak nak..takkan classmate i smua suka dtg, i pun blah balik bilik but before balik bilik pi cari bilik lecturer ML tu kot2 dia tak buat kelas ke tapi tak jumpa,takde bilik kot.

hari khamis, pi kelas bm lagi, ni tetiba berdebar sbb takut lecturer marah tak masuk kelas dah bnyk hari..haha...pastu kejadian sama berulang..CEH!!!20 minit tunggu takde sorang pun masuk kelas..DAMN U!!! so i decided nak pi tanya pihak berwajib..buat muka tebal sbb malu kantoi ponteng..

pihak berwajib: ye?
I: erm, sekarang saya ada kelas bm, dari kul 2 sampai 350 tapi takde org pun dalam kelas.???*bm aku hancur sorry Malaysia*.
pastu sebbaik dia faham.
pihak berwajib: ooo, section berapa?
I:section 26, kelas kat lr4.11 cikgu H..*nah amik ko laporan penuh*
pihak berwajib:oh,kejap ek.*pastu dia pi bgtau org dalam..

org dalam pun keluar menuju ke telefon..cakap kuat gler..nak sruh aku dgr la tu..haha..
org dalam: asslmlkm, ada student datang tanya cikgu H ada kelas tak hari ni...blalabla...oh,dah buat kelas ganti...blablabla..tak saja je tanya.ok asslkm.

dalam hatiku..kelas ganti????OMG!!haha.. rupanya takde klas minggu nih...cikgu dah ganti awal2 dah..haha..pastu org dalam dtg bgtau, i terkantoi tak g kelas ML...haha..amik ko S!!

then jumaat pi MID V ngan my syg, kak senior and lana @ adik kakak senior tgk LOSER..BESsssHHHHHHHH and makan double cheese burger McD.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


beutiful, isn't it... well, they look so gojes and tall..wait! how do i know that they are tall??haha..

ok this post is not about those gojes women but about me, the not so gojes woman with 4 eyes and big nose and fat tummy. yeah, that is me believe it or not... 

in spite of looking like big brown apple, i have a very high ambition, dream beyond what i'm supposed to dream.. yeah i have made my choice... to try something new...which can bring me profit and new experience..

make a trip to london? nope!!
study so hard until u get dean's list? nope, but i will
kawin??nope!!i have not found any man that is funny and gentleman, NOT YET. 
erm, how about applying for JPA scholarship or KHAZANAH oh yeah, MAXIS scholarship???TIDAK!!
habis tu ape????

read these lines and u akan tau...xoxo

i need money
i need money

the most easy way to get it 

drum rooooooooooooolllllllllllllll


i have applied to become a MODEL


yeah i know i'm crazy

last nite i found this website and then sent them my application

well, the terma2 atau syaratnya adalah

1)sihat tubuh badan, tidak merokok and laen2 yang haram *lulus*
2)a malaysian *lulus*
3)160 and above *lulus*
4)currently bertudung *of coz*
5)and laen2 syarat *erm,lulus*

after, thinking about it in a few minutes, so i made my decision to apply to this post

i sent them my close up pic which i thought it was kiut but sexy
i also sent gambar penuh from top to bottom which i saw myself blessed with 'cun' body figure.bolehlah.:))

kalau papa tau neh mati la jwbnya...aiseyyyman!!!

they offer rm100 for 6-10 pictures
rm600 for runway models
rm300 for magazine or catalog 

so, i started to do sit up

dia org tak approve lagi la...

SS je lebih neh...hehe :P

wish me some luck...xoxo